Recent scientific evidence has put inflammation in the limelight as one of the potential main causes of heart attacks, strokes and many chronic diseases, including aging. Is there merit? In a word, yes!
Markers of Inflammation
Science has confirmed that levels of a biomarker, known as C-reactive protein (CRP), rise and fall with certain medical conditions. CRP is an internal marker of inflammation and has been shown to rise in those experiencing a heart attack or stroke. Other markers of inflammation, such as interleukin-2 (a protein made by the body), tumor necrosis factor (a promoter of inflammation) and adiponectin (an anti-inflammatory protein), have also been linked to certain medical conditions. Scientists have developed or are developing new ways of lessening their inflammatory effects or increasing their anti-inflammatory properties.
A young adult female patient of mine was recently hospitalized for what seemed like meningitis, an inflammation of the protective membranes around the brain and spinal cord. Testing revealed she had actually developed lupus. This disease causes inflammation of vital organs and blood vessels. Currently, modern science still used very potent and occasionally toxic drugs to stave off inflammation caused by this disease.
There are more everyday causes of inflammation to be aware of, including asthma, arthritis, and the ever-increasing obesity and diabetes epidemic. Smoking and a sedentary lifestyle contribute, too. Eating processed foods like white bread or white rice will also increase inflammatory markers in your body. High-sugar and low-fiber foods raise the blood sharply, with the body's organs working extra hard to bring all systems back into balance. This yo-yoing causes more inflammation, which scientist believe weakens the blood vessels over time and puts your at higher risk for heart disease and strokes, and perhaps cancer.
Finally, some people are genetically programmed to age gracefully, while others are not as fortunate. Looking your age or younger may not just be genetic luck. It is vital that your do everything in your power to curb inflammation, and one factor that we all have control over is our response to stress. Pioneering work by the late Dr. Hans Selye confirmed many years ago that stress kills. We now know it is due to inflammation.
So, why stress when you can laugh out loud at your situation? Norman Cousins cured his inflammatory disease by laughing as much as he could while fighting his illness. Learn from these lessons and apply them today. You will live a better, healthier life!
You can control your inflammation with TriVita's Nopalea. Become a member for free and order it every month by clicking here.
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