Monday, April 2, 2012

How to Stop Hair Loss

If you are experiencing hair loss you certainly don't need anyone to tell you how traumatic it can be. There are many emotional consequences and even relationship issues related to thinning hair. Hair loss has many causes. The three we will deal with in this edition of the Weekly Wellness Report are:
  • Hormone imbalance
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Protein metabolism
Hair and hormones Hair growth is triggered by hormones. Hair follicles act on a growth/rest cycle that may last from many months to many years. It is estimated that 90% of your hair follicles are growing and 10% resting at any one time. All follicles will rotate through growth/rest cycles evenly, rather than in one place at a time.

You may remember from previous Wellness Reports that hormones are merely messengers. Hormones convey a signal from a master gland to a receptor. When the receptor has completed the assignment it will respond with another hormone that originates in the receptor and conveys a "task completed" message back to the master gland.
All hormone cycles come in three phases:
  • We make them
  • We use them
  • We get rid of (detoxify) them
Trouble may begin at any one of these three phases, but usually it is in the detoxification phase that we find imbalances causing hair loss. It is especially important that we detoxify DHT, an inert form of testosterone found in men and women under constant stress. Adaptogen 10 Plus® is naturally formulated to help relieve stress and its negative health effects.

Hair and our immune system
Hormones are also involved in a second cause of hair loss: auto-immunity. An autoimmune condition may develop when stresses from our lifestyle and stress from our environment collide with weaknesses in our genetics. Our immune system may not be able to tell if our hair follicle is sick or healthy. Many hair follicles may be attacked by our immune system and be completely destroyed or simply become dormant.

Autoimmune disorders respond to stress reduction and detoxification. Certainly, Adaptogen 10 Plus is a very important part of stress reduction. Autoimmune conditions also respond well to increased amounts of Essential Fatty Acids (EFA), such as those found in OmegaPrime®. OmegaPrime and dietary EFA help the body reduce inflammation and let the immune system work smarter, not harder.

Hair and protein metabolism
Protein digestion and metabolism require a careful balance of hormones, vitamins, enzymes and acids. Indigestion results when one of these elements is out of balance. Many people take antacids – which reduce protein digestion and trigger hair thinning. Antacids reduce our ability to utilize Vitamin B-12. Vitamin B-12 also participates in protein metabolism. This is the third of our pathways that may lead to hair loss. 

It may be that proper chewing and healthy protein choices are all that is needed to restore balance to protein digestion. Probiotics such as those found in FloraVita™ may also be needed if the indigestion spreads to the intestines. People usually find relief from indigestion with FloraVita.

Protein metabolism also involves our thyroid. Thyroid hormones may carry a small amount of the protein L-tyrosine to hair follicles as well. L-tyrosine is found in Energy Now!®. If your body temperature is low in the morning and your hair is thinning, you may need more l-Tyrosine. Energy Now!, Vitamin B-12 and FloraVita – along with a healthy diet – may help complete the protein metabolism you need to restore thinning hair.

There are many other triggers of hair loss; some require competent medical care. You should always discuss thinning hair with your doctor so they may appropriately care for your medical conditions. Be patient and remember that most hair loss can be reversed through a vigorous application of the 10 Essentials for Health and Wellness , proper medical care and the right nutrients!

Take Control of Your Health

  • Always ask "Why" when you experience hair loss
  • It may be common, but it is never normal
  • It may be a sign of medication toxicity
  • It may be a sign of an infection, malnutrition or hormone imbalance
  • For "pattern" hair loss, reduce stress and DHT
  • For all-over thinning (head and/or body) help your immune system to work smarter
  • For hair loss mainly in the crown, increase protein digestion and metabolism
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